Saturday, July 11, 2009


Things always happen so fast. The few times they happen slowly, however, you just don't consider them. I came back from 4 months in Rotterdam one month and half ago, and now I'm in Florida. In the middle there's been a painful haze in which any possible short-term life goal seemed unreachable. But surprises never come to an end - eventually I got an internship and swiftly packed again for a two-month American experience.

I'm not going to tell everything at once: there will be a short dose of stories every now and then. Also because I'm not the most reliable blogger on Earth, hence my narratives accrue and I tend to tell something that happened days or weeks before. But in the end it doesn't really matter. One week ago, after an endless trip, I landed in New York. Quite sleepless, I have to admit - staying overnight in Rome waiting for a flight at 9am was not the happiest moment of my life.

Things turned out to be decent when Giacomo picked me up at Grand Central and welcomed me in his apartment in the East Village. He got an internship too, some stuff in budget & control, downtown Manhattan. So we spent together a couple of days, 3 and 4 of July, when Macy's fireworks lit up NY's sky to celebrate the Independence Day. Notwithstanding the long hours of journey, I recklessly endangered my feet's state by wandering the city for two days. I was deadly tired, but it was worth the effort. We managed to sightsee properly and to take some pictures of the places to be.

On Sunday I left from La Guardia airport in the late morning and embarked on a cattle-cargo airplane bound to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Three hours later, after having picked my luggage and having ascertained the Americans' tendence to pump up the air conditioner, I finally took my first breath of Southern air. The impact was terrific: humidity here is at tropical levels. Imagine Milan on a typical day in August: well, multiply that by two and you get an idea. I promptly understood why the team is called Miami Heat.

The day after I stepped into the premises of the firm I'll be working for during the summer. Cool office - more in terms of temperature than metaphoric - and damn hot warehouse, the place where I'll spend half of the time. But this is enough for a first post. Enjoy a photo of New York.


  1. I definitely come first.
    No matter what I'm about to write down here, nothing at all possibly - given the italian 3 a.m. o'clock we got - but I came first.

    Spread the word, or I'll be the lonely one.

    Missing you as always.

  2. ...the best 2 days ever in New York...the best burger deluxe (thanks T.G.I. Friday and University Restaurant)...the best milkshakes ever on 5th avenue (but 5 dollars per milkshake I think are too much) and the worst Preftzel ever...:)

    ps. the best moment in these two days was the pyrotechnic show for Indipendent Day...:)...the best fires I ever seen...
